Scoping, Feasibility, Definitive Feasibility Studies
We provide initial financial visibility to a project’s process plant flow sheet, capital and operating costs with minimal metallurgical test work or expenditure. Work is normally carried out to a financial accuracy of between +/-50% to +/-30%.
Pre-Feasibility Studies
We improve process confidence and examine options through increased metallurgical test work, flow sheet viability and increased accuracy of capital and operating project costs. Work is normally carried out to a financial accuracy of between +/-30% to +/-25%.
Feasibility / Definitive / Bankable Studies
We finalise the process flow sheet, complete metallurgical test work, examine the variability of the ore sources in relation to the chosen flow sheet, complete the design for plant & infrastructure all at increased project accuracy. Work is normally carried out to a financial accuracy of between +/-15% to +/-10%.
Engineering Studies
Following the feasibility study phase of a project, Como Engineers will carry out a detailed engineering phase allowing the design of an operation to be completed to a level of knowledge and accuracy that allows clients to confidently tender on the completion of all further construction work. Full tender packages are produced to allow fixed price and schedule submissions to be received by the client. Work is normally carried out to a financial accuracy of between +/-10% to +/-5%.
Optimisation Studies
We examine existing operations with the aim of identifying both bottlenecks and inefficiencies within the process and recommend changes that will improve recoveries, reduce wastage, reduce operating costs and increase throughput. Our experienced team of metallurgists can undertake metallurgical audits of the entire process to pinpoint where efficiencies can be increased.